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Alameda Ave Corridor Study
Posted on Nov 7th, 2023
Alameda Ave. is one of streets that defines the borders of Cherry Creek East.  Alameda is equal to some of the City’s major corridors, such as Colfax being Denver’s first main street and Hampden being the gateway to the mountains, in its importance for regional mobility but it lacks identity.  To most, Alameda is just a street, not a place and a street spanning many miles with multiple issues.
Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) is leading the Alameda Avenue Study that aims to improve mobility and safety for all users and plan for future transit investments, while still preserving the character of the corridor.  Cherry Creek East has been identified by the study’s steering committee as one neighborhood that will be specifically impacted by the Alameda Corridor Study.  
What is the current status of the study?  DRCOG recently wrapped up the analysis of transportation, crash, and infrastructure data along the corridor.  They have also completed their first round of engagement, focused on priorities for the corridors, concerns people have with how Alameda operates today, and ideas for the future.  For a summary of highlights of the existing conditions analysis click HERE.  
What is the next step of the Study?  DRCOG is now developing draft recommendations and plans to go out to the communities to share these draft recommendations and gather additional feedback.  This information was presented during our March 28, 2024 Annual Meeting.  A copy of this presentation is posted HERE.  
Additional information on this study and other city-wide transit projects can be found at the following websites:
For up-to-date information on this study and to sign up for email updates, visit the DRCOG Alameda Ave Study website
Denver Moves: Bikes Update
Posted on Nov 3rd, 2023
Updated March 5, 2024
Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) is excited to announce the launch of the Denver Moves: Bikes Update, a citywide planning effort to update DOTI’s 2015 recommended bikeways map. The intent of this project is to better align planned bikeway facility recommendations with the most recent bikeway design standards, densify the planned network, and develop a program to upgrade Denver’s existing bikeways.  
DOTI has hosted the following opportunities for neighborhood input.
  • Virtual Kickoff Meeting via Zoom hosted on November 15, 2023
  • Public Outreach Phase I:   Online survey and interactive map open for community feedback through December 15, 2023.
  • Survey and map results published March 4, 2024
What's next?  Over the next few months, DOTI will develop an updated map that reflects the feedback received, and uses data-driven analysis to craft a world-class bike network.  The 2nd phase of public outreach will take place in the summer of 2024 when the project team will share bikeway improvements, recommendations and bike map updates.  During this phase, there will be opportunities for public input.
For additional information on Denver Moves:  Bikes Update, visit the City of Denver website.  You may also review the recent Denver Moves:  Bikes Update Project Overview
Cherry Creek West Development Project
Posted on Jul 19th, 2022
Updated October 1, 2024
Click here for the latest information about the Cherry Creek Steering Committee's (CCSC's) CCW efforts, including links to the Development and Community Benefit Agreement (DBA), explanatory documents, and videos of Cherry Creek West presentations, compiled by Lou Raders, Chair of the CCSC and President of the Cherry Creek North Association.
Updated September 24, 2024
The Cherry Creek Steering Committee (CCSC), of which CCEA is a participating as a RNO (Registered Neighborhood Organization), has established a fully executed Development and Community Benefit Agreement (DCBA) for Cherry Creek West (CCW). You can read it here. The City Council meeting was Monday, September 23rd. 
Updated July 12, 2023
Cherry Creek West project is the SW Corner of S University Blvd and E 1st Ave and the developer is East West Partners, spanning 13 acres.
Cherry Creek West community involvement to date:
  • Cherry Creek West: Community Information Meeting on August 10, 2022.  If you missed the meeting you may watch this recording
  • Cherry Creek West Partners Q&A Follow Up to the August 10, 2022 community meeting. 
  • Updated renderings published on June 7, 2023. 
  • Cherry Creek East Community Meeting:  Cherry Creek West presented by East West Partners
  • Cherry Creek West hosted a Community Open House on August 1, 2022, from 5:30-7:30PM at the old Contiiner Store location.
The CCEA Development Committee has created the below listed document of discussion points.
Denver Moves: Cherry Creek
Posted on May 20th, 2022
Updated March 5, 2024
Denver Moves: Cherry Creek is a year-long planning effort to develop a cohesive strategy for infrastructure development that achieves the City’s mobility goals in the Cherry Creek neighborhood and surrounding area. The project will explore improvements to make it safer and more convenient to walk, bicycle, take transit, deliver goods, and drive in and around the area, and will also examine green infrastructure, parking, curbside uses, and other considerations.  For more information on this initiative visit the City of Denver website.  
INITIATIVE UPDATE:  As of February 23, 2024, the final plan and project recommendations have been published.  The plan, its appendices, and a one-pager that describes how community feedback was incorporated into the plan are now available on Denver Moves:  Cherry Creek website (links below). 
Additional links and resources for Denver Moves:  Cherry Creek
Denver Moves Everyone 2050:  Denver Moves Everyone 2050 (DME) is a city-wide transportation plan aimed at moving everyone and everything equitably, safely, and sustainably and reflects the vision and values of Denverites for building a world class transportation system between now and 2050.
  • On January 25, 2023, DOTI published the Denver Moves Everyone (DME) 2050 draft.  The draft plan was available for public review through February 25th. DOTI will refine the draft based on public feedback prior to releasing the final plan.
Ellsworth Storm Project
Posted on Jul 1st, 2021
Updated September 7, 2023
This city project is designed to help improve storm water quality and water drainage issues through the use of green infrastructures. These green infrastructures will be installed at each intersection along Ellsworth.  
The City of Denver construction management team and contractor completed Phase 1 of the Ellsworth Avenue Storm Project summer of 2022.  Phase 2 of the Ellsworth Storm project will begin where Phase 1 left off on Ellsworth Ave just west of Madison St and continue east to Garfield St.  
Phase 2:  Summer of 2023, Excel will be relocating fiber optics, utliity and gas lines in preparation for Phase II construction of the Ellsworth Storm Project.  As of August 23, 2023 confirmation was received from the City that relocation of fiber optics and electrical lines have been adjusted and construction on these lines are complete.  The relocation of gas lines has started and should be completed by the end of September 2023.  Excel anticipates a few minor fiber/telecom relocations once the relocation of the gas lines is complete.
As for the planned construction schedule for Ellsworth Storm Phase 2, the city is anticipating 2024. 
For additional information from the City of Denver on this project you may review City of Denver Phase 2 Status Update sheet or visit their website.
Please feel free to contact Linda Wilson at