Summer in CCE is Beautiful
The Friday biking group is The Goats (Go Out And Tour Somewhere)
The rides are 25-35 miles.  We try to live up to our name and explore different routes around Denver.  Lunch is always an option.  This group is led by Fran and Barry Lazarus, Greg Cudney, and Julia Bristor.  Rides will be announced two days before the ride, weather permitting.  Only riders in our data base will receive notices.  We are looking forward to riding with you this season.  Please contact us at  This has been a very successful biking group.  Don’t miss out on a great ride with your neighbors!
BRIDGE CLUB – Monthly - Second Friday – 1:00 to 4:00 pm
The CCEA Bridge group plays monthly in player’s homes or community rooms.  If you would like to join us, please send your name, email address, and phone number to  If you need more information, contact Dana at 805-722-5438.
Cellar Dwellers is one of our best attended social gatherings in the neighborhood.  This is such a fun way to meet new people!  Please consider hosting this fun and easy neighborhood event.  Team up with someone.  The host decides the theme and if they will be providing the alcohol or the food.  The guests bring whatever the host needs.  Keep it simple – it’s a fun and easy evening when everyone chips in.  There's really nothing to it.   Please contact Jane Nero at for further information.
All CCEA residents are encouraged to join Neighborhood Watch for emailed updates about safety and crime in the area.  Neighborhood Watch operates through the Denver Police Department – we are in District 3.  Please go to the CCEA’s website, for further information. 
Like a book club we see the movie prior to the meeting, either on our own or with friends, and meet to review the movie at the host’s home, or at another location she or he selects.  Typically, the host would serve dessert and drinks. We plan to hold these meetings monthly during the week in the early evening.  This event is suitable for both singles and couples.  We can see either movies at the cinema or streaming, and the movie selection will be made by all members at the meeting each month.  Currently, the Cinema Club is full; however, if you would like to get on a wait list, please contact Margaret Whitfield at
MAHJONG – NEW GROUP – Thursdays at 1:00 pm
The new mahjong group is up and going.  We are looking for a few more players.  We are, what I would call, advanced-beginners.  We would certainly consider a beginner because we have a teacher playing with us for the moment.  If you are interested, please contact Pamela Stuemky at
Do you enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction books?  The Men’s Book Club has read some very interesting books, and they really make an effort to engage the readers.  Don’t miss out.  The Men’s Book Club is currently full but has a wait list.  If you are interested, please contact Barry Lazarus at or 970-393-2145.
POKER GROUP – Play twice per month – 7:00 pm 
Reminder emails will be sent out in advance.  The first eight to sign up will be able to play.  If you are interested, please contact Michael Rubinstein at
SINGLES CLUB – Quarterly 
The CCEA Singles Club is a group of unattached, fun-loving, adventurous, free spirited, and vivacious neighbors who gather throughout the year to participate in various activities.  Some of our past events have been dinner and opera, safari trip, cooking classes, wine tastings, picnics, concerts, and dance lessons, to name a few!  If you would like to join in the fun, please contact Janis Cooper at
Book Club Openings – Two of our book clubs have some openings for new members.  
One meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.  If you are interested, please contact Debra Fantini at  
The other book club meets the 4th Monday at 5:00 pm.  For the month of May, they will meet on Monday, May 20th, due the Memorial Weekend.  If you are interested, please contact Margaret Whitfield at
The Women's Wine and Dine meets at a local restaurant on the first Wednesday of every month.  This is a great way to meet women in the neighborhood and enjoy happy hour at one of Cherry Creek's many restaurants.  If you are interested in joining and/or hosting, please contact Janis Cooper at
Due to the popularity of this club, we are restricting membership to CCE residents only.  Please contact Janis Cooper at if you have questions.