Friends and neighbors
The Cherry Creek East is a Residential Neighborhood Association recognized by the City of Denver. Our mission is to protect our neighborhood and help make it the best in the Denver metro area.
We are a volunteer organization. Our goal is to bring together homeowners, renters and businesses into one community striving to make this a better place to live, work and play.  To learn more about the wonderful area we call home, click here
Cherry Creek East (CCE) Vision Statement

Broadly stated, the vision for Cherry Creek East conforms to the 2018 Denveright 20-year Blueprint for the city and the
2012 Cherry Creek Development Plan in that it plans for a community that is:
  • Vibrant [things to do, ways to interact, perceived steadily getting better, etc.]
  • Engaged [via CCE Social groups, Cherry Creek East Association, social media pages, opportunities to get outside and walk/ bike/ garden, newsletters and citizen meetings.]
  • Safe [neighborhood watch, citizens who are outdoors/ have eyes on the streets, well-lit streets and alleys, free from street flooding, etc.]
  • Healthy with nearby access to varied food options, parks, exercise options, medical facilities.
    • highly walkable, bike-able access to walk/ bikeways.
  • Mid-density general urban neighborhood 2 with an
  • Inclusive of an attractive, human scale town center that includes needed and wanted services that neighbors can easily walk to
  • Improving in terms of property values over the long term. Many CCE property owners have a significant personal or business investment in the neighborhood.
You can learn all about the history and background of the Cherry Creek Vision statement in this document.  
What We Do
The Board, Officers and Committee Members represent the neighborhood in a variety of ways.
Board members and community residents attend meetings of the Cherry Creek Steering Committee to make sure our voices are heard.
The board meets with property owners and developers wishing to develop properties in the neighborhood to ensure consistency with the Cherry Creek Area Plan.
The board is involved with other neighborhoods, various city agencies, and Councilperson on issues that have an impact on our neighborhood. 
The board, with support of the neighborhood, the Denver Planning Department and Councilwoman New, develops an annual list of priorities for improving the quality and livability of our community. A list of current priorities identified by the neighborhood and the board are as follows:
  • Cherry Creek Area Plan
  • Stormwater drainage solutions
  • Continuation of our pedestrian lighting program
  • Traffic and pedestrian safety
The Board operates under By-Laws. You can download a copy here. The Board recently adopted an amendment to the By-Laws to allow virtual meetings. You can download a copy here
To learn more about our leadership, click here
To learn more about working with our committees, click here
Please consider serving as a member of our board, or working with the board on one of these or other neighborhood projects through one of our steering committees. To get involved, send us an email here.